Truths of the Human Resource Department

Photo Credit to Markus Winkler

People tend to accept things as they are. No second guesses, no dig-ups. Absorbing things they see with no will to investigate and explore. This type of behavior is the reason why there is a misconception. Misconceptions that clouded truths and caused confusions. 

Human resource management, does it ring a bell? What things usually come to mind if you hear this name? The one who takes care of recruitment; hiring and firing, the one who processes payroll? Those things are part of the human resource, you are right but it is just the surface. 

Let’s dig deeper and understand the inner surfaces of the human resource. 


Inc. published an article online that fully explains the reality behind human resource management. According to Inc, the responsibilities of the human resource can be categorized into three major areas: staffing, employee compensation and benefits, and defining/designing work. 

First truth of the human resource – it’s not all about recruitment and payroll.

The human resource is an unbiased role that needs to satisfy both the employees and the company as a whole. “Human resource management is concerned with the development of both individuals and the organization in which they operate. HRM, then, is engaged not only in securing and developing the talents of individual workers but also in implementing programs that enhance communication and cooperation between those individual workers in order to nurture organizational development.”Inc.

Second truth of the human resource-the welfare of the employees and the development of the company are on top of their list. 

The human resource department is flexible in nature, it is an unpredictable environment that requires a driven-mind and a purpose. Now that you have already realized the true potential of the human resource—its truths, and you just found out that it is not all about recruitment and payroll, you will also start to correct your misconceptions about it. 

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